Voice at The Table, a project of the Self-Advocacy Resource Unit (SARU), aims to increase the number of people with cognitive disabilities sitting on boards, committees and advisory groups within government, service providers, community and mainstream organisations.
The Voice at the Table (VATT) website provides practical information and resources for organisations to ensure that people with cognitive disabilities are given a real and equal voice at the table. There is a register of consumer advocates with lived experience who have completed Voice at the Table training and are looking for opportunities to have their say. Several graduates are also co-facilitators of Voice at the Table Inclusive Practice training for organisations to help them make meeting and consultation processes accessible and truly inclusive.
Below you will find VATT videos and tip sheets about consumer participation and running inclusive meetings. Visit the VATT website for further information: www.voiceatthetable.com.au

Voice at the Table - Top Ten Tips
Click to view.