About Our Group
Our group is a self-advocacy group operating in a peer-based environment by and for people with an intellectual disability and is supported by RDAS (Regional Disability Advocacy Service). We work together to be better self-advocates and part of the wider community.
We Want People To Join Our Group Because:
Having a large number of people discussing real issues can lead to positive decisions and systemic change.

Our Projects
- Annual Dance Party to celebrate International Day of People with Disability – being part of the organisers.
- Various community engagements – being guest speakers and helping staff RDAS stalls at expos.
- To promote the SAS group in the community – to get more members and make new friends.

Self Advocacy Matters
- We want to be able to speak up for ourselves
- We want to make our own decisions and choices
- We want the community to treat us right
- We want to be more a part of the community
- “Once you choose hope, anything’s possible.” Christopher Reeve
- “The only disability in life is a bad attitude.” Scott Hamilton
Our Most Important Issues
- Not many opportunities to work in open employment
- Not enough funding to run the self-advocacy program properly
Meeting Times
We hold meetings on the 2nd Monday of the month.
Arrival: 4:00 pm
Meeting: 4:30pm -6:30pm/7:00pm
Meeting Locations
1st Floor
63-65 Johnston Street,
Wagga Wagga