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DeafBlind Victoria

DeafBlind Victoria is a unique and independent self advocacy group run by and for Deafblind communities in Victoria.

A person who is “deafblind” can have a variety of vision conditions and can be severely or profoundly deaf. We want Deafblind people to learn about their rights and speaking up in their community. Deafblind people who are interested can follow us on our journey.

We want people to join our group because:

  • We talk about the issues faced by the Deafblind Community
  • We are advocating to make changes and to make a different world for the Deafblind community
DeafBlind Group committee member signing during a meeting

Our Projects

DBV projects include:

  • Providing Deafblind World education workshops to:
    – services
    – community members
    – police
    – TAFE Schools
    – Melbourne City Council
    – Travellers Aid
  • Development of a communication guide for the general public to be able to communicate with people who are deafblind.
Picture of a committee meeting with Deaf Blind Victoria who are signing during meeting with Julia Gillard

Our Issues

Deafblind Victorians believe that it is really important for interpreters, communication guides, staff, families and friends to learn how to work well with Deafblind people.


“Our vision is to create inclusion for the Deafblind person to become a participant in the wider community.”

Contact People

  • Paola Avila

  • Heather Lawson

Meeting Times

Every second Wednesday of the month

Meeting Locations

Ross House, 247 Flinders Lane, Melbourne 3000

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