SAWA is a self advocacy group for people with disabilities.
We want people to join our groups because you can:
- Give feedback and advice on research and projects about people with a disability
- Attend local, state and national forums to speak about self advocacy for people with disabilities
- Listen to guest speakers for people with disabilities
- Attend social activities such as Christmas in July
New members are always welcome at meetings.

Our Projects
SAWA projects include:
- Peer support and self advocacy for people with disabilities
- Employment for people with disabilities
- Complaints and grievances information and processes for people with disabilities
Police and court liaison and advocacy for people with disabilities

Our Issues
The issues SAWA care about include:
- The need to improve workshop wages and working conditions for people with disabilities
- That people with disabilities can speak up for themselves as well as others through peer support and advocacy
- The need for more funding for self advocacy because it supports people to become more independent
- More employment for people with disabilities
- Better health for people with disabilities
- Safety for people with disabilities